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Home> Stores> Groupon Cash Back Up to 6.0%



Groupon is a global leader of local commerce and the place you start when you want to buy just about anything, anytime, anywhere. At Groupon, everything is on sale 24/7. Shoppers discover the best deal a city has to offer on the web or on mobile with Groupon Local, enjoy vacations with Groupon Getaways, and find a curated selection of electronics, fashion, home furnishings and more with Groupon Goods, all at discounted price.

Cash back terms and exclusions: Market Picks Getaway, Groupon Freebies, Groupon Reserve, Groupon Invitation Only Deals, Donations and Gift Cards are not eligible for cash back.
Cash back is not eligible on Groupon Bucks, Goods, Charity & Promotional.
Some products are not eligible for cash back.
- Coupon codes obtained from sites other than may void cash back.
- Bulk/Reseller orders / Purchases with gift cards are not eligible for cash back.
- All cash back is at the merchant's discretion.

Up to  6.0% Cash Back

Groupon Related Deals Related Coupons

Up to 75% OFF

  • Groupon has  Holiday Offers Up to 75% OFF

  • Use code: GIFTJOY.

  • Offer may end soon.


Coupon code: GIFTJOYClick to copy

Store:  Groupon


  • Groupon has  30% off a $10 Starbucks eGift Card

  • No code needed.

  • Offer may end soon.


Store:  Groupon

Was: $55 Now: $45

Groupon: Deep Dish Pizza Cooking Class with Lunch for One or Two from Pizzeria UNO


Store:  Groupon

Up to 20% OFF

Groupon:Cyber Monday Up to 20% OFF use code:CYBERMON


Coupon code: CYBERMONClick to copy

Store:  Groupon

Up to 20% OFF

Groupon: Cyber Monday Up to 20% OFF


Coupon code: BLACKFRIDAYClick to copy

Store:  Groupon

Up to 25% OFF

Groupon has Groupon Days Up to 25% OFF.

Use code: GROUPON.

Offer may end soon.


Coupon code: GROUPONClick to copy

Store:  Groupon

Was: $50 Now: $28.35

Groupon has Royal Treatment Packages or 30 Minute Massage with an Onsite Bar for $28.35, originally $50.

Use code: SAVEMORE.

Offer may end soon.


Coupon code: SAVEMOREClick to copy

Store:  Groupon

Was: $60 Now: $34.02

Groupon has General Spa Admission at King Spa and Sauna Chicago for $34.02, originally $60.

Use code: SAVEMORE.

Offer may end soon.


Coupon code: SAVEMOREClick to copy

Store:  Groupon

Up to 90% OFF

Groupon:Early Black Friday Up to 90% OFF


Store:  Groupon

Up to 15% OFF

Groupon has Fresh Start Big Savings Up to 15% OFF.

Use code: NEW25.

Offer may end soon.


Coupon code: NEW25Click to copy

Store:  Groupon

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