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  • xfinityus

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    Streaming, browsing, texting — everyone uses their devices differently. Combine By the Gig and Unlimited data so everyone gets just what they need.

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  • By making framed electronic products, Xreart reuses discarded tech devices, such as iPhone, Game Boy, Switch and Apple Watch, preserving the nostalgia of the era while recycling e-waste that may contaminate the environment.Over the following year or so, our Xreart Studio team visited many mobile phone suppliers and officially started this project. Even though things were difficult with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, we still persevered. Today, in 2021, we’re finally bringing our first batch of products to market. We collect used phones from authorized phone suppliers and redesign them, a process that includes disassembling, cleaning, sterilization, redesigning, framing and more, eventually resulting in a framed artwork. Xreart Studio hopes that, in this way, we can help you permanently preserve the tech products that are of special significance to you.

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